Tools of the Trade: Rope

This is the fourth in the Tools of the Trade series. The humble rope is a tool not generally associated with eroticism but the Japanese developed it into an erotic art form of bondage called kinbaku, a stylized form of rope tying that uses complex knots to bind someone into immobile positions. That person surrenders themselves into a relaxed erotic state of being. It is also known in America as shibari.

However in Nikkatsu’s hands kinbaku is used for less ego liberating reasons. It is mostly used for restraint, domination, torture and humiliation. It is generally a starting point for other nasty treatments such as enemas, candle waxing, public urination and penetrations of various sorts. I don’t know what it says about Japanese culture but BDSM was one of the more popular fetishes in the Roman Porno period with around 75 titles. Herein are a few examples.

花と蛇 (Flower and Snake)
生贄夫人 (Wife to be Sacrificed)
新妻地獄 (Newlywed Hell)
発禁本「美人乱舞」より 責める!
(Beauty's Exotic Dance: Torture!)
お柳情炎 縛り肌
(Oryu's Passion - Bondage Skin)
幻想夫人絵図 (Fascination: Portrait of a Lady)
貴婦人縛り壺 (Noble Lady - Bound Vase)
修道女ルシア 辱す (Sister Lucia’s Dishonor)
黒薔薇夫人 (Lady Black Rose)
縄地獄 (Rope Hell)
団鬼六 縄化粧 (Rope Cosmetology)
団鬼六 花嫁人形 (Bridal Doll)
堕靡泥の星 美少女狩り
(Beautiful Girl Hunter - Star of David)
団鬼六 少女縛り絵図 (Image of a Bound Girl)
団鬼六 白衣縄地獄 (White Uniform In Rope Hell)
団鬼六 縄炎夫人 (Blazing Bondage Lady)
団鬼六 薔薇地獄 (Hell of Roses)
団鬼六 OL縄奴隷 (Office Lady Rope Slave)
団鬼六 女美容師縄飼育
(Female Beautician - Rope Discipline)
奴隷契約書 (Slave Contract)
団鬼六 蒼いおんな (Blue Woman)
団鬼六 少女木馬責め
(Girl and Wooden Horse Torture)
団鬼六 蛇の穴 (Oniroku Dan's Snake Hole)
猟色 (Hunting for Lust)
団鬼六 美女縄地獄 (Beauty In Rope Hell)
団鬼六 美女縄化粧
(Beauty Rope Cosmetology)
縄姉妹 奇妙な果実
(Rope Sisters - Strange Fruit)
団鬼六 修道女縄地獄 (Nun in Rope Hell)
団鬼六 縄責め (Rope Torture)
団鬼六 緊縛卍責め
(Double Rope Torture)
花と蛇 地獄篇
(Flower and Snake - Sketch of Hell)
箱の中の女 処女いけにえ
(Woman in the Box: Virgin Sacrifice)
団鬼六 美教師地獄責め
(Beautiful Teacher in Torture Hell)
SM教室 失禁 (SM Classroom: Incontinence)
マダム・サド 牝地獄
(Madame de Sade - She Beast in Hell)
団鬼六 蛇と鞭 (Snake and Whip)
花と蛇 白衣縄奴隷
(Flower and Snake: White Uniform Rope Slave)

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