Tools of the Trade: Dildos

This is the second in the Tools of the Trade series. This page will show some of the variety of phallic shaped props used in the Roman Porno series of films. The dildo or harigata has a long history in Japan so we also see their use in films set in the Edo and Showa periods. 

Many of the dildos shown in the following examples were either molded from plastic or made from wood. The plastic ones are probably store bought but some of the wooden ones look like they could have been created by the prop department. But other materials are also used. I have found examples of dildos made from clay, rope and leather. Tengu masks, a very traditional demon mask used in stage plays, was also a very popular prop. The design of the long nose made it very adaptable for use in B&D and sex show scenes. On some masks the nose was even removable for easier one handed use.

性盗ねずみ小僧 (Love Bandit Rat Man)
A dextrous thief holds a Tengu mask to pleasure the women who have
interrupted his midnight robbery.

女高生 SEX暴力
Nothing fancy, just a simply turned wooden sex toy to share between
three delinquent school girls on a lazy afternoon.
濡れた欲情 特出し21人 (Wet Lust: 21 Strippers)
A lovely hand held Tengu mask used for the amusement
of excited patrons.
秘本 袖と袖 (Secret Book: Sleeve and Sleeve)
A spurned lover pulls out some interesting toys to
relieve her frustration.
実録おんな鑑別所 性地獄
(True Story of a Woman in Jail - Sex Hell)
A female prisoner makes good use of arts and crafts time.
濡れた壺 (Wet Vase)
A single mother with unfulfilled desires finds
a surprise in the bath.
檻の中の妖精 (Fairy in a Cage)
A rather masculine specimen being used for
training a needy girlfriend.
本番 (Showtime)
A two ended stage prop gets played for the finale.
貴婦人縛り壺 (Noble Lady - Bound Vase)
The fine detailing of this instrument of humiliation is fit for
the imprisoned upper class lady.
原作・団鬼六 縄地獄 (Rope Hell)
A little monk teases a rope bound captive.
天使のはらわた 名美 (Angel Guts: Nami)
Another Tengu mask upsized to excite the audience.
団鬼六 少女縛り絵図 (Image of a Bound Girl)
If properly mounted a Tengu mask can also be
used for oral training.
団鬼六 縄炎夫人 (Blazing Bondage Lady)
Some craftsmanship is displayed in this elaborately
tied cloth dildo.
のけぞる女 (Woman Who Arches Her Back)
With lots of time and a sharpened spoon a prisoner with insatiable
urges fashions a piece of wood into satisfaction.
バックが大好き! (I Love It From Behind!)
The nice surface detailing of this sex toy makes
for a pleasant afternoon.
団鬼六 女教師縄地獄 (Female Teacher In Rope Hell)
1) For precise vertical control nothing beats a
well engineered machine.
2) A stylish B&D suit gets fitted on and into a future bride.
鏡の中の悦楽 (Pleasure in the Mirror)
A young man spies his step-mother enjoying a bath with a friend.
団鬼六 少女木馬責め (Girl and Wooden Horse Torture)
A female student dreams of revenge on an abusive classmate
with a mounted dildo covered in plush fur.
縄と乳房 (Rope and Breasts)
A traveling sex show performer meets her match against
a sadistic husband and wife team.
ズーム アップ 卒業写真 (Zoom Up: Graduation Photos)
A recent college graduate posing for money discovers
the hard realities of the sex magazine trade.
猟色 (Hunting for Lust)
A bored housewife looking for excitement experiences
the duel uses of a whip.
発禁・秘画のおんな (Banned: Woman's Secret Pictures)
A peeping tom spies an interesting offset handled dildo in action.
マダム・サド 牝地獄
(Madame de Sade - She Beast in Hell)
A S&M specialist hard at work giving her
favorite boy toy a ride.
花と蛇 究極縄調教
(Flower and Snake: Ultimate Rope Discipline)
A crudely carved wooden tool is used to
debase a bound daughter.
お元気クリニック 立って貰います
(Welcome to the Ogenki Clinic: Feel Good All Over Again)
1) You paid for a session with this fake school girl and
she laughed at your short comings.
2) But revenge will be yours with training and an oversized dong.


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