Naomi Tani / 谷ナオミ

Naomi gives instructions on how to wash.


しなやかな獣たち / Sensuous Beasts (1972)

花と蛇 / Flower and Snake (1974)

生贄夫人 / Wife to be Sacrificed (1974)

レスビアンの世界 恍惚 / Lesbian World: Ecstasy (1975)

残酷 黒薔薇私刑 / Cruelty: Black Rose Torture (1975)

お柳情炎 縛り肌 / Oryu's Passion - Bondage Skin (1975)

残酷 女高生 (性) 私刑 / Cruel: High School Girl Sex Lynch (1975)

黒薔薇昇天 / Black Rose Ascension (1975)

新妻地獄 / New Wife’s Hell (1975)

濡れた欲情 ひらけ!チューリップ / Wet Lust: Opening the Tulip (1975)

犯す! / Rape! (1976)

濡れた壺 / Wet Vase (1976)

奴隷妻 / Slave Wife  (1976)

花芯の刺青 熟れた壺 / Tattooed Flower Vase (1976)

幼な妻 絶叫!! / Young Wife - Screaming!! (1976)

夕顔夫人 / Lady Moonflower (1976)

悶絶!! どんでん返し / Erotic Ecstasy: Sexual Sensations (1977)

(秘) 温泉 岩風呂の情事 / Secret Hot Spring - Rocky Bathhouse Affair (1977)

性と愛のコリーダ / In the Realm of Sex (1977)

檻の中の妖精 / Fairy in a Cage (1977)

夜這い海女 / Nasty Diver (1977)

女囚101 しゃぶる / Female Convict 101: Suck (1977)

幻想夫人絵図 / Fascination: Portrait of a Lady (1977)

貴婦人縛り壷 / Noble Lady - Bound Vase (1977)

黒薔薇夫人 / Lady Black Rose (1978)

縄地獄 / Rope Hell (1978)

団鬼六 薔薇の肉体 / Skin of Roses (1978)

団鬼六 縄化粧 / Rope Cosmetology (1978)

おんなの寝室 好きくらべ / Woman's Bedroom: Lusty Competition (1978)

団鬼六 縄と肌 / Rope and Skin (1979)

団鬼六監修 SM大全集 / Best of SM (1984)


B92 W59 H90 (cm) / B36 W23 H35.5 (in)

An incomplete non-Nikkatsu filmography.

I couldn't find a poster for this film but did find an
advertisement for this film from a back cover of a magazine.

Nice back cover ad for the above film.

I could only find these lobby photos for this film.

A B4 flyer for this film.

A B4 flyer for this film.




I think the poster on the left is a renamed version of the right side poster.
It lists the same director and actors and check out Naomi's panties.

Only found a lobby photo for this film.


I only found a B4 flyer for this film.




Unlisted films not dated.
I only found a lobby photo for this film.

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